Monday, January 02, 2006


When to review Space Station Assault.

I've been aching to review Space Station Assault. It is a 2 player game with little luck (randomization of the cards) but has been greatly misunderstood by those who have written reviews. But I'm not sure I'm ready to give it a go. Best to start with more straightforward games.

In Space Station Assault each player begins with a space station and the two are three players apart. Players take turns playing ships to a spot adjacent orthoganally to another card in play. They then can shoot at an adjacent card. You can start the game playing agressively by playing next to the opponent's station, or defensively, by playing next to yours and preventing ships from attacking your station on that side.

So if a player attacks your space station and deals damage, do you blow it out of the sky? Probably not wise since all that would do would be to open up that slot for another ship to come in.

Later in the game it is possible to have exisiting ships on the table that you can move and fire. So that creates the question of whether you move them first or after you play cards. Also, do I attack existing ships, and which ones.

I've enjoyed the game. In general I like 2 player games less than multiplayer. I played chess back in the day and had plenty of stress. I don't want to relive that again.

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